Stake Your Claim on Amazon

Stay in control of your brand with a platform that helps you master listing, restocking and everything in between.
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Make Your Products
Easier to Find

Your brand needs to be where your buyers are the moment they're buying. Zentail helps to improve the discoverability of your ASINs by automatically enriching your listings and expanding their reach.

Unlock the Full Value of Your Product Data

Everything starts with good product data: your listings, catalog, reporting, supply chain. But many brands lack the auditing tools and visibility to keep data error-free. Overcome these limitations with an AI-powered PIM that cleans your data for you. Adapt data to Amazon's standards and stop stale data from devastating your sales.

Simplify Inventory Management

Managing inventory in today’s high-speed world is a tall order. You need to restock quickly and have just enough inventory to keep up with customer demands. Zentail makes this possible with smart forecasting and real-time syncing capabilities, built for both FBM and FBA sellers.

Keep a Pulse on Your Profits

Every sale should add money to your pocket. Stay acutely aware of your profit and loss drivers, alongside the greenest opportunities for your brand. Zentail gives you 24/7 access to custom reports that drive smarter decision-making aimed at improving your bottom line.

Zentail has dramatically expanded our ecommerce sales channels beyond our expectations. The operations management suite and multichannel analytics have made us more efficient, allowing us to spend time focusing on selling even more products.
Sergei Hagley, Ecommerce Manager

Take Your Brand to New Heights